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Monthly Archives: May 2023


Liability For Construction Defects Linked To Improper Materials

By Linkhorst Law Firm, P.A. |

Construction defects can range from something needing a minor cosmetic fix to a major issue that renders the project unusable. There are also multiple sources of problems under Florida’s definition of a construction defect, including deficiencies related to the design specifications, construction performance, planning, and the subsurface the project is to be constructed upon…. Read More »

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Proposed Law To Reduce The Time To File Florida Defective Construction Suits

By Linkhorst Law Firm, P.A. |

Time restrictions play an important role in the practice of law, and many people are aware of how a statute of limitations works. Anyone seeking monetary damages must file a civil lawsuit before the deadline expires, and the clock starts to run the date that the plaintiff suffered personal or property loss. A statute… Read More »

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Proposed Ban On Noncompete Agreements: Impacts For Florida Design Professionals

By Linkhorst Law Firm, P.A. |

US officials generated a passionate response from parties on both sides of the issue after a recent announcement banning noncompete agreements between employers and employees. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued a press release in January 2023, stating that the prohibition would increase workers’ earnings, improve competition, and enhance innovation in multiple market sectors…. Read More »

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Why Is Bail So Important For The Defendant In Florida’s Criminal Justice System?

By Linkhorst Law Firm, P.A. |

You may be generally familiar with how bail works in a criminal case, but these concepts take on new importance if you have recently been arrested. Under Florida’s statutes on criminal procedure, bail and bond are general terms used to describe pretrial release. The basic arrangement is that the defendant deposits cash or a… Read More »

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The Surety’s Options For Default Under A Florida Performance Bond

By Linkhorst Law Firm, P.A. |

A performance bond is a guarantee in favor of one party to a contract to protect against the failure of another party to meet its obligations. Because it focuses on performance, the bond relates to the satisfactory completion of the project in accordance with the project plans and specifications. Florida’s statute on public construction… Read More »

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