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Category Archives: Construction Defects


Construction Defect Claims on the Rise

By Linkhorst Law Firm, P.A. |

If you’re in the construction industry, you have probably seen business booming in the past year. The COVID pandemic shut down construction for a while. There were a lot of unknowns at this time, so homeowners and developers didn’t know how to proceed with planned construction projects. Those days have passed. There are no… Read More »

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Construction Defect Detection

By Linkhorst Law Firm, P.A. |

Moving into a newly-constructed house is a very exciting and almost every aspect about the move-in process is typically an enjoyable experience. Further, it is usually expected that, since the house is new construction, there should be very few, if any, defects. However, in reality, this is not always the case, and construction defects… Read More »

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Building Code Violations and Contractor Liability

By Linkhorst Law Firm, P.A. |

Florida, like many states, maintains a Building Code. Generally, the Florida Building Code is intended to make construction across the State as uniform as possible, while also ensuring that the resulting structures are safe and usable for whatever purpose they are intended. Unfortunately, in some cases, failing to follow the Code may cause problems… Read More »

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Defending a Construction Design Defect Claim

By Linkhorst Law Firm, P.A. |

As construction has boomed recently in Florida and across the nation, due to the recent uptick in the economy, so has the prevalence of design defect claims. Design professionals, such as architects and engineers, are employed to design or improve a building or other edifice, which is then constructed by a contractor, who may… Read More »

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What Counts as an “Action” in Construction Defect Cases?

By Linkhorst Law Firm, P.A. |

In an effort to reduce unnecessary and frivolous litigation, ensuring that only legitimate construction defect claims proceed to trial, the Florida Legislature enacted a law that requires each construction defect matter to go through a pre-suit procedure. Retaining the services of an experienced construction defect attorney, with specific knowledge of the Florida Law relating… Read More »

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Who is Liable for Specific Construction Defects?

By Linkhorst Law Firm, P.A. |

Moving into a new house is an exciting time for the homeowner. From deciding on paint colors and carpet textures, homeowners usually make many decisions to customize their new homes to their particular tastes. In some cases, homeowners may be able to make various decisions on the construction of the house. Since many homeowners… Read More »

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Triggering a Construction Defect Insurance Claim

By Linkhorst Law Firm, P.A. |

When a property owner, developer, or association discovers a construction defect in a particular project, the first step typically taken is to notify the general contractor of the defect. Once this occurs, the general contractor will usually notify any subcontractors that worked on the specific area containing the defect, while also informing its commercial… Read More »

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Types of Legal Claims for Construction Defects

By Linkhorst Law Firm, P.A. |

Owning a house or a building typically produces a sense of accomplishment that one’s hard work and struggle has come to fruition in the form of ownership of real property, something much more difficult to attain elsewhere. Having a structure built to the owner’s specifications provides an additional sense of accomplishment. In the majority… Read More »

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Florida Supreme Court Clarifies Construction Defect Process

By Linkhorst Law Firm, P.A. |

In the majority of construction projects, while the project may not proceed completely without any glitches, for the most part, there are no major issues, and the project proceeds to completion without error.  However, in some cases, the construction may contain defects, and obtaining the services of an experienced Construction Law Attorney may be… Read More »

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Defects in New Construction

By Linkhorst Law Firm, P.A. |

Owning a home is the ultimate American dream. Some, choose to purchase a recently-built home, referred to as “new construction.” When purchasing new construction, homeowners will typically have the ability to select various amenities in the home, such as cabinetry, hardware, fixtures, etc. Further, the homeowner will work with the builder to select these… Read More »

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