Letters: PBC Mayor McKinlay’s apology to Adam Linkhorst was gracious
In #MeToo era, woman must support each other
Boynton Beach Vice Mayor Christina Romelus’ now public email which stated that Palm Beach County Mayor Melissa McKinlay’s apology weakened her stance for women is wrong, rude and unfounded. (″County mayor receives backlash for apology to attorney who made Kavanaugh comments,″ Wednesday)
It came across as angry irrational womanese. The apology was gracious and point-on. In no way did she backpedal on the seriousness of sexual assault, but, rather, attempted to clarify her statement which, personally, I find, commendable. McKinlay didn’t apologize for what she said but, rather, the manner in which it was said. Big difference.
Good manners, kindness, compassion, civility, ethics and being a big enough person to apologize when appropriate are what’s missing in today’s society. Romelus’ lack of support of McKinlay demonstrates a lack of support for all women far greater than the apology ever would.
People who won’t apologize, no matter what, are a large part of what is fueling all this anger and discord we’re having today. And lack of female-to-female support is what lessens the women’s #MeToo movement. If the women can’t support each other, why should we expect others to do so?
Jan Belwood, Palm City