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Tips For Florida Contractors After A Workplace Accident


Your workforce is one of your most valuable assets as a Florida construction contractor, so you recognize the importance of protecting employees and ensuring a safe environment for them to perform job-related tasks. Strict compliance with standards established by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is crucial, and you are aware of your responsibility to procure insurance as required by the Florida Division of Workers’ Compensation. The relevant regulations give you some guidance on how to prevent accidents, while also providing a roadmap for getting your employees the care and support they need.

However, construction contractors should also know what to do when safety measures fail and a worker is injured. Preparation is a smart strategy for minimizing the cost and impact of construction accidents, and a Florida contractor representation lawyer can guide you in developing specific policies. You might also benefit from reviewing four key tips that can prevent you from being caught off-guard. 

  1. Always Be Prepared: The best approach to workplace accidents in the construction industry is to assume that an incident can happen at any time, even when all safety protocols are met. When you are prepared, you can mount a quick response that may reduce the severity of the injury AND lessen the financial implications. Consider developing policies around risk and response, which concentrates on minimizing the most dangerous workplace conditions. For instance:
  • Create a checklist for construction accidents;
  • Keep first aid kits stocked and easily accessible in the proper areas;
  • Make sure all employee files have updated emergency contacts; and,
  • Retain a safety officer for ongoing consultation. 
  1. Immediately Assess and Respond: When an accident does occur, contractors and/or safety officers must:
  • Get the injured worker to a safe space, when possible without causing additional injury.
  • Assist by providing first aid and stabilizing the injury, and contact emergency medical services if the employee requires additional care.
  • Evaluate the accident causes and contributing factors.
  • Address any factors that could put other employees at risk of harm.
  • Gather evidence, get details from witnesses, and write down your recollection of what happened. 
  1. Follow Up with the Workers’ Comp Process: Depending on the circumstances, your employee may file a workers’ comp claim under your insurance policy. Instead of taking an adversarial approach to the claims process, consider the fact that workers’ comp exists to get your workers healthy and back on the job promptly – which also supports your business objectives. Contractors can streamline things by communicating and assisting injured workers. 
  1. Assist with Additional Steps: There is the potential that a claim will turn into a lawsuit, so rely on your contractor representation lawyer to advise you. You can support these efforts by providing details and documentation, which might enable a settlement rather than litigation. 

Our South Florida Contractor Representation Attorneys Will Advise You

This overview of your responsibilities after a workplace accident is helpful, but construction contractors need customized legal advice in a real-life situation. Our team at Linkhorst Law Firm, P.A. has the experience and skills to protect your interests, so please contact our offices in Jupiter, FL today to set up a consultation.



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