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Category Archives: Construction Contracts


Ways A Florida Construction Lawyer Helps With Construction Contracts

By Linkhorst Law Firm, P.A. |

They may not be the highlight of your day working in the Florida construction industry, but you know that contracts are an essential part of doing business. Written agreements are important for outlining the details of the project and describing the rights and responsibilities of each party. In the event of disputes or breach,… Read More »

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Answers To FAQs About Acceleration In Florida Construction Contracts

By Linkhorst Law Firm, P.A. |

Knowing that time is of the essence, parties to a Florida construction contract include specifics regarding the key milestones, deadlines, completion dates, and other details involved with the project. However, statistics on overages and delays in construction projects reveal that just under one-third come within 10 percent of their established budget because of delays…. Read More »

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Liability And Damages For Breach Of A Florida Construction Contract

By Linkhorst Law Firm, P.A. |

While there are state statutes that describe causes of action for liens, defects, and nonpayment, many disputes over Florida construction projects amount to a typical breach of contract. This is not to suggest that these matters are simple, regardless of whether you are the breaching or aggrieved party. The point is that a breach… Read More »

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Overview Of Construction Manage And Design Build Contracts In Florida

By Linkhorst Law Firm, P.A. |

You hear about the Florida construction boom in the news and see the construction cranes dotting the skylines, but you may not fully grasp the magnitude of the growth until you review a few key indicators. According to Cumming Insights, a leader in construction market analysis, the total construction market volume in Miami, FL… Read More »

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Substantial Completion for Florida Contractors: Answers to Your FAQs

By Linkhorst Law Firm, P.A. |

Contractors are well-familiar with the term “substantial completion,” and many have even had to deal with disputes arising out of it in a Florida construction contract. If you were forced to address some of the legal issues, the underlying concepts can be frustrating. The American Institute of Architects (AIA) defines substantial completion as the… Read More »

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Is Your Liquidated Damages Clause Enforceable Under Florida Construction Law?

By Linkhorst Law Firm, P.A. |

Florida construction contracts encompass numerous provisions, from the basic payment terms conditions and scope of work to specific conditions and the schedule to which the parties agree. While any section can be vague or confusing, it is the liquidated damages clauses that quite often lead to conflicts and disputes. This is due to the… Read More »

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Dealing with the Legal Fallout When the Federal Government Terminates a Construction Contract

By Linkhorst Law Firm, P.A. |

Most construction contracts awarded by the federal government require the prime contractor to post two separate bonds, which are known as “Miller Act” bonds after their authorizing statute. The first Miller Act bond is to guarantee performance of the contract, while the second bond guarantees the prime contractor will pay any subcontractors and suppliers…. Read More »

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When Is “Impossibility of Performance” a Defense to a Breach of Construction Contract Claim?

By Linkhorst Law Firm, P.A. |

Many construction contracts contain language specifying completion of the project within a certain timeframe. But as we all know, there are many factors that can make even the most generous construction schedule impossible. So when does Florida law actually recognize “impossibility of performance” as a defense to a breach of contract claim? Impossibility Is… Read More »

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2019 Legislative Changes Affecting the Construction Industry

By Linkhorst Law Firm, P.A. |

The construction industry in Florida is highly-regulated, partly due to problems experienced in the past. Every legislative session brings further changes, so whenever contemplating entering into a construction contract, retaining the services of an experienced construction law attorney is crucial to ensuring that the contract meets all legal requirements set forth by the legislature,… Read More »

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Options When a Construction Company Violates a Warranty

By Linkhorst Law Firm, P.A. |

Having construction work done on a property requires a lot of trust be put in the contractor. In many cases, the project is completed according to the specifications and within a reasonable time. In some cases, however, this trust is shattered when the contractor does not fulfill his/her requirements under the contract. Retaining the… Read More »

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